School Nurse Credential Program + Masters in Nursing

Master's Hybrid1 year

School Nurse Credential + Master’s Degree in Nursing


In California, school nursing is considered to be a highly specialized area of nursing practice requiring additional education and clinical preparation. The College of Continuing Education, in partnership with the Sacramento State School of Nursing, is offering the School Nurse Credential (SNC) program. The SNC program began in 1966 and is academically based in the nursing graduate program at Sacramento State.


This program is certified by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) to issue the required credential, School Nurse Services, which allows a registered nurse to practice within a public school setting.

The program is also recognized nationally as a leader in school nurse preparation. Graduates have gone on to become school nurse leaders, president of California School Nurses Organization (CSNO) and the National Association of School Nurses (NASN), as well as nurse educators, Directors of Health Services, and recipients of the CSNO’s School Nurse of the Year awards.


The one-year credential program is designed for registered nurses who have completed a bachelor’s degree in nursing or a related field and are interested in becoming effective health practitioners in the California school system. This program greatly enhances school nurses’ skills by providing comprehensive coursework, which will enable them to support and advance student success, learning and lifelong achievement.


Students are required to take the courses listed at the bottom of this page PLUS an audiology certificate course (available at several universities in California).

The California State University, Sacramento School Nurse Program has offered the Special Teaching Authorization in Health (STAH) courses in the fall when in demand. More information about STAH courses can be found here

Course Delivery

Students will complete the credential program in one calendar year.  Courses are offered in a hybrid format (a blend of face-to-face instruction with online learning) including live Zoom classes, typically one evening per week. Courses will meet in class at the Sacramento State campus one weekend per term (once each in the spring, summer, and fall). In-class meetings are mandatory except for those with a health exemption. 

Course content is organized and delivered via an online learning management system called Canvas. Course delivery, assignments, and meetings are designed to meet the needs of the professional full-time school nurse.

To view the Student Handbook for this program, click the link below. 

SNC-MSN Handbook


The California State University, Sacramento School Nurse Program has offered the Special Teaching Authorization in Health (STAH) courses in the fall when in demand. The STAH credential allows a school nurse to independently teach health classes or a full course in a variety of school settings (preschool, elementary, middle, secondary, and adult). Only credentialed school nurses or currently enrolled credential students at CSUS are eligible to take the STAH courses.

For the STAH program, you will build on the concepts from NURS 214 - Educational Program Development in Nursing. In the STAH program, you will plan and implement a five-day unit of teaching on a health-related topic using the California Health Education Content Standards. There will be no F2F classes, only online (synchronous) classes. 

Fall  - NURS 214C: Educational Program Development in Nursing II, 3 units. Meeting requirements: Three to five online classes. Course description: Introduction to curriculum development and instructional design concepts in preparation for the role of educator in an academic institution or health care setting. Continues emphasis on instructional design, related to curriculum development and implementation, instructional and learning theory, and educational assessment.

Course requirements: You will be responsible for finding a mentor teacher who will help you develop the teaching topic and curriculum. Please note that your mentor teacher must be different than your mentor teacher from NURS 214. For example, if your NURS 214 mentor teacher was an elementary teacher, your NURS 214C mentor teacher needs to be a middle or secondary teacher. 

Course assignments: You will interview a director of curriculum and submit a paper describing the interview. You will do a classroom observation and submit your analysis of the observation. You will also work on and submit an outline of your teaching plan.

Spring - NURS 294: Practicum Educational Program Development in Nursing, 3 units. Meeting requirements: You must meet with your faculty advisor at least four times, either in person or virtually. You must also meet with the mentor teacher at least three times to develop a curriculum. You are also responsible for coordinating with your faculty advisor so they can observe your teaching session, either in person or virtually.

Course description: Learning experiences in this course are designed to provide an opportunity for application and analysis of the theories and concepts of instruction, learning, curriculum, assessment and evaluation while practicing in the role of an educator in an educational setting.  The practicum focuses on the application of concepts and theories from the 214C and 214 courses in Educational Program Development in Nursing.  The Special Teaching Authorization in Health (STAH) candidate functions in the role of the educator under the guidance of a mentor teacher in a selected practicum setting.

Course requirements: You will work with your mentor teacher to plan and deliver a five-day unit of teaching in a health-related topic.

Course assignments: You will do a classroom observation and submit your analysis of the observation. You will work on and submit a completed lesson plan. Your mentor teacher and faculty advisor must also complete evaluations.

For questions on course content or format, please contact Dr. Kirsten Munk at

Please contact Emily Mendoza for registration information at


The current cost of the program is $495 per unit. Cost is subject to change. There are 22 units in the credential portion of the program.


Please note: Candidates may be disqualified to complete the program for a variety of reasons. Those candidates who are disqualified may receive an application refund.  

Admission into programs leading to licensure and credentialing does not guarantee that students will obtain a license or credential. Licensure and credentialing requirements are set by agencies that are not controlled by or affiliated with the CSU and requirements can change at any time. For example, licensure or credentialing requirements can include evidence of the right to work in the United States (e.g., social security number or tax payer identification number) or successfully passing a criminal background check.

Students are responsible for determining whether they can meet licensure or credentialing requirements. The CSU will not refund tuition, fees, or any associated costs, to students who determine subsequent to admission that they cannot meet licensure or credentialing requirements.

Information concerning licensure and credentialing requirements are available from Dr. Kirsten Munk, Coordinator, School Nurse Program:

In addition, please see the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing for specific school nurse credential requirements.

Applicants who determine that they may not be able to meet licensure or credentialing qualifications and no longer wish to be admitted into these programs may have their application fees refunded.


What Our Alumni Said

“I am very grateful for education at Sacramento State. My assessment, public speaking, planning, and collaboration skills are much better for having participated in this program. I see myself differently now, and believe for the first time that I am a leader in nursing.

I currently have a great job, and feel that my education, combined with my experience, helped prepare me for the role.”

Pam Whipple, School Nurse Credential + Master’s Degree in Nursing

Course Listing

School Nurse/MSN Courses