American Sign Language

Academic Units Online1 year

American Sign Language


American Sign Language (ASL) is the third most widely used language in America. ASL is a visual-gestural-kinesthetic language used by members of the deaf community in North America and in varying degrees in many other locations. ASL is not based on spoken English. It has its own grammar, idioms, historical contexts and cultural nuances.

Through these courses, you can develop the necessary communication skills to interact with people who are deaf. Upon completion of these two courses, participants will be able to:

  • Exchange basic information about themselves and their families
  • Give directions and make requests
  • Describe places, objects and events
  • Talk about people and places
  • Tell about past events

These courses are offered in partnership with Sacramento State’s Department of Special Education, Rehabilitation and School Psychology.

Course Listing

American Sign Language Courses

DEAF 051 American Sign Language 1 (DEAF 051)

4.0 Academic Credits
Fall, Spring