Important Dates and Resources
Summer Session 2025


Who’s eligible?

  • Continuing students who completed the formal admissions process and were enrolled in spring 2025 or fall 2024, but will not graduate prior to summer 2025.
  • Community members who are not formally admitted to the university or students who have been admitted to another college.
  • Students who have been admitted to Sacramento State for fall 2025.


2025 Sessions



First 6-week session (6W1)

5/27 – 7/6

Second 6-week session (6W2)

7/7 – 8/17

Full 12-week session (12W)

5/27 – 8/17


Students with holds on their records will not be able to enroll in courses until the hold has been cleared. Students will not be eligible to enroll if they have been disqualified or dismissed from the university.

Continuing Sacramento State students

Registration begins on April 7 for continuing students via the Student Center on My Sac State.

Late Add/Drop Petition

Refer to the fee schedule for payment due dates.

Students Not Admitted or Admitted for Fall 2025

Registration begins on May 7. Complete the Summer Session registration form and submit it to for processing.

Summer Session Registration Form

NOTE: Registration forms submitted before May 7 will NOT be processed and must be resubmitted once the registration window opens.


Continuing Sac State Students

Not admitted/Fall 2024 admits


April 7

May 7

Late Registration for 6W1 & 12W

May 27 -

May 30

May 27 -

May 30

Late Registration for 6W1 & 12W
Instructor Signature Required for Adds and Drops

6W1 & 12W Census

June 2 – 6




June 6


June 2 – 6




June 6

Registration Continues for 6W2

May 27 -

July 4

May 27 -

July 4

Late Registration for 6W2

July 7 – 11

July 7 – 11

Late Registration for 6W2
Instructor Signature Required for Adds and Drops

6W2 Census

July 14 – 18




July 18

July 14 – 18




July 18

Summer Session Office Contact Information

Napa Hall
3000 State University Drive
Sacramento, CA 95819

Hours of operation:

From 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.


(916) 278-6984



Check back for updated fee information

Course Fees


Undergraduate Courses

$320 per unit

Post Baccalaureate Courses

$371 per unit

Campus Mandatory Fees for

Sac State Students


Health Services


Health Facilities


Associated Students, Inc.

University Union/WELL

Instructional Related Activities






For more information on these fees, please visit the Bursar’s Office page.

Please note that fees will be charged to your account in TWO parts. The course fee charges will appear on your account the day after you register. The remaining mandatory term fees will calculate later, and may take up to a week to appear on your account. Check your Student Center for the Campus Mandatory fees due date.

The CSU system makes every effort to keep student costs to a minimum. Fees listed in posted schedules or student accounts may need to be increased when public funding is inadequate. Therefore, CSU must reserve the right, even after initial fee payments are made, to increase or modify any listed fees, without notice, until the date when instruction for a particular semester has begun. All CSU-listed fees should be regarded as estimates that are subject to change upon approval by The Board of Trustees.

Special Note about Military Tuition Assistance:

Effective September 2014, the College of Continuing Education ceased participation in the Military Tuition Assistance program. Due to lack of state and federal reimbursement, it is not possible to waive fees for veterans and their dependents in programs administered through the College of Continuing Education.

Veterans and their dependents may continue to use waivers toward state-support programs offered during traditional academic year terms (fall and spring).

Late Fee

A $25 late registration fee will be applied to courses added starting May 27th for the first 6-week session (6W1) and the 12-week session (12W), and July 7th for the second 6-week session (6W2).

Fee Schedule


Fees Due

Cancellation Date

6W1 & 12W,
registered by TBD


6W1 & 12W,
registered TBD


registered by TBD



registered by TBD


Enrollment Cancellation

Failure to pay all fees for a session by the due date will result in being dropped from all courses in that session. 



Refund Amount

First 3 days of the session

100% less $10 processing fee

Day 4, 5 & 6 of the session

75% of fees less $10 processing fee

Day 7 to census

50% of fees less $10 processing fee

After census

no refund

To request a refund please submit the online Refund Request form.

*If swapping from one course to another course within the same session students will be responsible for the course fees of the dropped course once the prorated refund period begins.

CCE reserves the right to discontinue, postpone or combine classes, and to change instructors. Every effort is made to accommodate our students’ academic needs. However, in the event that a class is canceled, it is automatically dropped from the student’s schedule. Students are entitled to a full refund in this case.

Financial Aid

For more information, visit the Summer Financial Aid webpage.

Summer Session fees are not deferred while awaiting a Financial Aid disbursement.  Students are responsible for paying fees by the due date to avoid being dropped for non-payment of fees.

More Information

Maximum Units

Students may enroll in a maximum of 12 units during the summer term. Students who want to take more than 12 units may petition to enroll in additional units.  The petition can be found in OnBase and must be approved by their major department chair and college dean.

Note: Approval of this petition does not add you into the courses nor does it guarantee you a spot in the requested courses.
You must register in all courses in the usual manner.


6W1 grades are due July 8th and 6W2 and 12W sessions grades are due August 19th.

Grades will be available on My Sac State upon posting after the grading due dates.


Official transcripts may be ordered through Admissions and Records.

Grades will not appear on transcripts until the end of the term, despite the session offered.

Transcripts will be available for issue at the end of the term.

Order official transcripts online.

University Policies

The College of Continuing Education follows policy guidelines set by our university, the CSU system, the State of California and federal regulations.

For more information, visit University Policies.