Child and Adolescent Development FAQ


Is the CHAD program a recognized, accredited baccalaureate degree?

Yes! Your diploma will state: California State University, Sacramento, College of Education, and Bachelor of Arts in Child and Adolescent Development with a Concentration in Early Development, Care and Educational.

What is the cost of the CHAD major courses?

2025/2026 Fee Schedule:

All courses in the major are $489 per unit. 
Fixed fees:  
CHAD Application fee: $50
CSU Apply fee: $70
Sacramento State Graduation fee: $115

Is financial aid available?

Financial aid is available based on individual student needs. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) should be submitted immediately if you plan to use financial aid. The Sacramento State Financial Aid Office processes loan and grant awards, which may take as long as 16 weeks.

What are the prerequisites to be admitted to Sac State and the CHAD program?

  • You must have a High School Diploma (or equivalent).
  • 2.0 GPA or higher in previous college coursework.
  • At least 45 transferable units of college-level General Education.
  • Completion of A2 Written Communication and at least one of the following:
    • A1 Oral Communication
    • A3 Critical Thinking
    • B4 Quantitative Reasoning (Math)
  • 3 units of Human Development or Child & Adolescent Development (community college equivalency)

How many units are required for the degree and what is the breakdown?

CHAD Major and General Ed Upper Division: 55
Transfer Electives – 65
TOTAL: 120

How many of these units must be taken “in residence?”

All CSU campuses require 30 units in residence, at least 12 of which must be in the major and 9 in general education. The CHAD degree exceeds these requirements.

Can I complete lower division general education requirements at a local community college?

Yes, our academic advisor will work with you to develop a plan for this.

Is the foreign language competency required?

Yes, this is a Sacramento State graduation requirement. This requirement can be fulfilled by completing one of the following:

  • 3 years of the same foreign language taken in High School.
  • 2 semesters of the same foreign language taken at the community college or university level with a “C-” or better.
  • Graduation from a secondary school where the language of instruction was not English.
  • Foreign Language Proficiency Test.

Can I work full-time and complete the CHAD degree?

Yes, in fact, the program is designed for the working student. All classes will be offered in the evenings or on the weekends in convenient locations within your community. Students will take two classes (a maximum of 7 units) per semester. The reasonable workload allows students to work or take classes at community college while enrolled in the CHAD program.

How long will it take?

The program is 8 semesters, three semesters a year (fall, spring, and summer). For example, students who start in the Fall of 2025 will graduate in the Spring of 2028.

What is a “cohort?”

A cohort is a group of students who begin and end a program at the same time. There are numerous benefits to an educational cohort. Students will experience a comfortable environment, added support from their peers, and guaranteed space in their classes.

Are CHAD graduates eligible to enroll in a Master’s Degree Program?

Yes, CHAD graduates can pursue a Master’s degree in Child Development or a Teaching Credential program, provided they meet admission criteria.

What can I ​do with a degree in CHAD?

Most students continue to work in the early childhood education field. Students go on to work as preschool teachers, administrators, directors, or childcare business owners.