Human Resource Management Course Descriptions

Course Listing

This certificate program consists of eight courses designed to be taken in the order listed. Check back here in summer for our next cohort schedule.

(8 courses, 11.40 CEUs required)

Human Resources Management: As a Strategic Business Partner (HRM 001)

1.8 CEUs

This course provides an overview of human resource management in today’s organizations. It examines strategic planning for an organization and the role of the Human Resources (HR) department in its strategic plans. The course defines human resource management and human capital and describes how human resource management and employees can be core competencies for organizations. Strategic challenges will be discussed regarding managing a talent surplus, legal considerations for workforce reductions, and managing a talent shortage. Additionally, the development and use of human resource metrics are explored, and specific strategic HR effectiveness tools such as benchmarking, the balanced scorecard, return on investment (ROI), and HR audits are discussed.

No sections of this course are currently being offered.

Talent Development (HRM 002)

1.2 CEUs

The current business environment is fast-paced, diverse, globally competitive, and ever-evolving. With organizations vying for highly sought-after talent, Talent Development is critical to an organization’s success. This course presents practical HR methodologies and techniques to integrate organizational HR processes designed to attract, develop, and retain productive, engaged employees throughout the employee career lifecycle.

No sections of this course are currently being offered.

Talent Acquisition (HRM 003)

1.8 CEUs

This course addresses sourcing, recruiting, and selecting high-quality talent and placement of the right talent with the correct qualifications for jobs in an organization. The course starts by defining recruiting and its importance to an organization. The second section examines factors that affect strategic decisions about recruiting, such as assigning responsibility for carrying out recruiting, establishing the employment brand, determining the optimal mix of core and flexible workers, and considering diversity. The final section describes how to evaluate an organization’s recruiting success, the predictors to use when selecting applicants, the steps of the selection process, and different types of selection testing. Lastly, the emerging challenges and best practices involved in the selection process are reviewed.

No sections of this course are currently being offered.

Total Reward (HRM 004)

1.2 CEUs

In this course, participants will learn tools and insights of total reward strategies to support your organization’s strategic goals. Participants will learn to design total reward solutions compliant with legal requirements to protect your organization and understand the value of monetary and non-monetary reward programs that attract and retain talent. Additionally, participants will also learn how to design and implement compensation, benefits, performance management, and recognition programs to increase performance leading to positive organizational outcomes for private and public organizations.

No sections of this course are currently being offered.

Employment Law and Labor Relations (HRM 005)

1.8 CEUs

The course will provide an overview of current and historic legislation impacting the Human Resource function in the workplace. Laws, regulations, and cases will be examined as it pertains to employment practices in the complete employee life cycle. Participants will learn about the growth of the labor movement in the US, union and management relations, state and federal labor legislation, collective bargaining, and grievances.

No sections of this course are currently being offered.

Diversity and Inclusion (HRM 006)

1.2 CEUs

In this course, participants learn how to define terms, create a reference point around various aspects of diversity, discuss the brain science of implicit bias, identify institutional bias and review a holistic organizational assessment. Participants will receive tools to facilitate discussion and self-reflections and consider both individuals and organizations when action planning.

No sections of this course are currently being offered.

Conflict Resolution (HRM 007)

1.2 CEUs

Conflict would not occur if two or more people did not care about something––something they feel they can’t get or feel they can’t give. The simplest way to reduce conflict is to stop caring or not engage, but the costs of doing so can be destructive. This course will cover how to lead an ineffective and toxic work environment that can cost your organization countless dollars in productivity and turnover. Participants will learn how to addresses the dynamics behind conflict and how best to navigate conflict-related situations.

No sections of this course are currently being offered.

Coaching, Mentoring & Inspiring Others (HRM 008)

1.2 CEUs

This course allows participants to gain effective coaching skills, including communication, building relationships, establishing credibility, gaining trust, and demonstrating empathy. Participants will explore the components of Emotional Intelligence and how best to utilize results in coaching and mentoring situations. Participants will also examine common coaching mistakes and identify how to avoid repeating those mistakes. Lastly, participants will learn what makes an inspirational leader and how to multiply competencies in others.

No sections of this course are currently being offered.