CCE Students to Build a Home in Roatán, Honduras

Article October 24, 2023
An image of a man measuring the widnow of an unfinished house.

Students who have demonstrated an interest in residential construction will have the opportunity to enroll in CM 96C, a unique six-week summer Construction Management course. As part of the Faculty-Led Study Abroad (FLSA) program offered through the College of Continuing Education (CCE), students will travel to Roatán, Honduras for ten days to build a single-family home during the summer of 2024.

“The course was developed for a number of reasons,” explains Professor Gareth Figgess, Construction Management department chair. “One of the goals was to introduce residential construction concepts into an existing commercial construction-focused curriculum. The travel abroad and co-curricular component was developed to provide experiential learning opportunities for students.”

This hands-on study abroad program allows students to experience a diverse culture and construction practices while building connections and expanding their professional network internationally, as well as developing important skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving.

“For undergraduate students, studying abroad can be a transformative and life-changing experience, providing them with skills and experiences that will serve them both professionally and personally,” says Professor Figgess. “Our intent is that our students will gain a more comprehensive understanding of global issues and appreciate diversity and cross-cultural communication while learning the basics of residential construction.”

Throughout the course, students will explore residential construction estimating, planning, and construction techniques while working as a team to build a single-family home.

Faculty-Led Study Abroad programs are short-term, international experiences designed for students who would like to study abroad – and stay on track for graduation – but cannot spend an entire semester or academic year abroad. These programs allow students to infuse international, intercultural, and global dimensions into their academic experience.