Information for Current Applicants


Initial Application Process

Please follow the instructions to submit your initial departmental application for review BEFORE you submit your CSU Apply application for formal admission to the university.  Please see

Formal Admission

If you have been approved for the program, please refer to page one of your unofficial evaluation which includes a checklist of items that you need to submit in order to be formally admitted to the program.  Please complete all items marked as “To Do” on this page, with the exception of the $50 departmental application fee as we will post this fee to your Sac State student record after you are admitted. 

Soon after you have submitted your CSU Apply application, you can set up your SacLink account at  Please note that it may take a few days for our records to be refreshed to allow you to set this up after submitting your CSU Apply application.  

You will receive an email along with a program schedule and student handbook from the program staff once you are formally admitted. You will also be added to the program’s email distribution list which will keep you informed about important deadlines and program information.  Email communication is essential in this program. 

Enrolling in Courses

Registration for our courses follows a slightly different process than our main campus; please do not worry about not seeing enough online course options in the searchable class schedule at this time.  You will receive a separate email from our program with registration instructions including the list of available classes that are set up specifically for our program. You also do not need to adhere to your registration date that is posted in your student schedule as that is only for registering for traditional classes through the main campus. 

Financial Aid

This program is eligible for financial aid.  Please be sure to submit your FAFSA and include Sac State as the school you will be attending:

Student Handbook

Many of your questions about this program and how it works are answered in our Student Handbook: